International Hahnemannian Study Group IV

International Hahnemannian Study Group IV

Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion; Green: What is the Matter with Homeopathy?; Wilson: A Few Thoughts on the Study and Practice of Homeopathy; severe migraine case analysis; Letter from Dunham; Lippe: Clinical Reflections Article, Burnett on Congenital Defects, Life and Work of Burnett, Prevention of Congenital Malformations; Bipolar Case; Lippe: Homeopathy Misapplied; Shepperd: Hahnemann’s Pure Method of Science; Turner: History, Study and Treatment of a Case;, Fior: Mad as a Hatter – Chronic Mercury Intoxication; Attomyr: What Does Characteristic Mean?; Q & A.

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International Hahnemannian Study Group IV